DeSantis: ‘We’re Creating a Model for What a Free Society Should Be’

‘Freedom for you to live your life without having the pathologies of the left imposed upon you from all the other institutions in society’


DESANTIS: “Look at all these things, we’re slaying it all. ESG, we’re slaying that. The DEI stuff, Critical Race Theory, we’re slaying that. We — we’re creating a model for, really, I think what a free society should be. Yes, freedom for you to not be constrained by government. All conservatives have always believed in that, but also freedom for you to live your life without having the pathologies of the left imposed upon you —“

BECK: “Correct.”

DESANTIS: “— from all the other institutions in society, And maybe that’s a woke corporation, maybe that’s Soros funds a DA in your community and then this DA says he’s not enforcing the law, putting you and your family at risk.”

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