CBS’ Herridge: U.S. Government May Have Paid Twice for Projects at China’s Wuhan Labs Through the NIH and USAID

‘Records reviewed by CBS News indicate the U.S. government may have paid twice for projects at Wuhan labs through the National Institutes of Health and USAID’

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CUTLER: "We are collecting evidence here and collecting facts."
HERRIDGE (voice-over): "Former Federal Investigator Diane Cutler spent two decades combating white collar crime and health care fraud. During the pandemic, Cutler turned her attention to U.S. government grants that supported Coronavirus related research in China."
HERRIDGE (on camera): "How many records have you viewed?"
CUTLER: "My collection is certainly well over 50,000 documents."
HERRIDGE (voice-over): "Records reviewed by CBS News indicate the U.S. government may have paid twice for projects at the Wuhan labs through the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Agency for International Development or USAID."


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