Tucker Sends Questions to Trump, Haley and Potential GOP Presidential Candidates on Ukraine War Stance: ‘We’ll Give Them Until Monday to Reply’

‘That seemed fair and at that point, we’ll let you know what they say’


CARLSON: “Here are the questions. First, is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest? Is it really important or not? If so, why? Two, what specifically is our objective in Ukraine and how will we know when we have achieved it? What’s our goal and how will we know when we’ve won? If we don’t know that, we should slow down. Three, what’s the limit of funding and material, our military equipment, you’d be willing to send to the government of Ukraine? We’re sending fighter jets. Should we send nukes? Four, should the United States support regime change in Russia? Everyone hates Putin. Should we kill him? Is that a good idea? What happens next? Five, given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than they were before the war, do you still believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective? Everyone assumes sanctions work. Do they? And finally, do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war Russia? Really simple. What are the stakes here? So we sent these questions to people who have announced or seem like they might announce, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Glenn Youngkin, Chris Sununu, Kristi Noem, Greg Abbott, Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson and John Bolton. We sent these questions with respect. We sincerely want to know, we sincerely we believe the public has a right to know their position on the biggest issue in the world right now, which is, will there be a third world war? And we said, 'We’ll give you until Monday to reply.' That seemed fair. And at that point, we’ll let you know what they say."

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