Jesse Watters: ‘Muriel Bowser Is a Kook’

‘Biden is less crazy than D.C.’


WATTERS: “The story is confusing to me but let me see if I got this straight. Biden is less crazy than D.C. Why are we doing the story? It makes him look good. We should have been something else. The city council is the root of evil in this country. That is not an overstatement at all. Because Muriel Bowser is a kook. Muriel Bowser head to veto this legislation. How crazy is that? So they are getting rid of my vittoria and the judge has no discretion. You will basically get 10 or 15 year sentence. It just wiped out all mandatory minimums in that city. So you are basically emptying prison. The Democrats on the house a lot of them voted for this. They say they are not for defining the police so they are for emptying the prisons because that is what this is pure to explain it to me, if you have primarily black say the mdc and you have primarily black city council, why is the city council passing bills that are against the best interest of their black constituents? Do you think black D.C. residents are clamoring to enter the prisons? Why would they do that? Are they assuming the constituents are criminals and they will like soft sentencing? I still have not understood where they are doing this.”

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