Laffer: Hillary ‘Ain’t No Bill Clinton’ on Taxes

‘She’s a brilliant, wonderful person and she’s very experienced but this is not her time’

BARTIROMO: “Real quick on Hillary Clinton, she wants to double capital gains taxes.”

LAFFER: “She ain’t no Bill Clinton, let me tell you that, as we say here in Nashville, Tennessee. Bill Clinton was a great president. I voted for him twice, Maria. And I thought he was a great president. I thought he cut taxes dramatically.” [crosstalk]

BARTIROMO: “But not Hillary?”

LAFFER: “— created growth. Hillary is not Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, it is just not her day. She’s a brilliant, wonderful person and she’s very experienced but this is not her time.

BARTIROMO: “All right. Thanks so much. Great analysis as always. We’ll see you soon, sir.”

LAFFER: “Thank you, Maria. Good luck on Tuesday.”

BARTIROMO: “I’ll see you on Tuesday for sure in Milwaukee.”

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