‘Meet the Press’ Beats up on Fiorina for Not Putting Policy Plans on Paper

‘Whenever [Republicans are] under attack, whenever they’re questioned, they immediately say, “Go to my website and give me money”‘

TODD: "Marc and Hugh, you both have said there’s one takeaway from this show today that you haven’t been able to shake. And this goes back to the Republican side of the race."
CAPUTO: "Well, Ben Carson saying when he was interviewed just the same night, yeah, where he says that basically he has kind of better things to do. And it’s just, it’s very Jeb Bush where Jeb said he had cool things to do and he might not want to do this. And these candidates are acting like they’re Cincinnatus or something. Like, 'Oh, I’m being dragged into serve my country and I’m going to go back to my plow now unless you love me,' and I just don’t get that."
HEWITT: "We both gasped when he said that. You’ve got to watch what you say—"
TODD: "I gotta say I thought that too."
HEWITT: "You’ve got to have energy. Donald Trump put that word into the campaign now it defines Rubio, Cruz, and Christie. They’ve got energy. And John Kasich. They’ve got energy. You’ve got to want to serve. You can’t be a martyr."
IFILL: "But also, listen to what we heard this morning from Carly Fiorina, what we have heard from Marco Rubio, and what we’ve heard from Ben Carson. Whenever they’re under attack, whenever they’re questioned, they immediately say, 'Go to my website and give me money.' Ben Carson sent out an e-mail—"
CAPUTO: "I wish I could do that."
IFILL: "—saying, 'I’m under attack. Send me money. I need your help.' Carly Fiorina mentioned her website 85 times. 'I don’t want to put actual statements or papers, white papers on it, but come watch me talk and maybe give me money.' I mean, there’s a certain consistency with these candidates—"
MADDOW: "You looked like you were going to fall over when she said that."
TODD: "I know. And I don’t like t— I was surprised. Put it on paper. What’s wrong with that?"
HEWITT: "Marco Rubio put out a very long piece on his new defense strategy yesterday. It’s very detailed. 343 ship Navy. That’s what you need to do." 
TODD: "And that’s what he did with his tax plan too. And look, yes, it’s getting scrutinized and it’s getting beaten up, man some people on the left don’t—"
HEWITT: "Trump did it on immigration."
TODD: "Yeah, and he did it on taxes."
HEWITT: "Yep."
TODD: "Why can’t she?"
MADDOW: "Well, we do have speech-to-text translation capability. We do. Every time she says something, let’s put it on Carly letterhead and hold her to it."
TODD: "Well, I think she will use that to raise money today probably. When we come back, it’s the one topic we haven’t talked about, in the endgame segment, it is the Shakespearian nature of the Bush family. But there’s a bigger issue here. Not only has the Republican party not been able to figure out what to make of the George W. Bush legacy, neither has the Bush family. We’ll be right back."

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