The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: I’m Not Running for President, But If I Were, Here’s What I’d Say

‘We have not inherited an easy situation because of the antics of the extremists in the Democratic Party’


SALCEDO: “And good afternoon and welcome to the gross sell saito show here on news max the great Ronald Reagan. One of his collections of speeches said that is, critics told him. He became president because he was an actor who knew how to give a good speech reagan with is contagious. Optimism and confidence said that is it too far wrong, because every actor knows two things to be honest and what he is doing and know the audience. That’s not bad advice for a politician either upon reflecting over. That quote. I came to realize that our nation is devoid of statement with corrupt politicians like Joe Biden Mitch, McConnell, Adam Schiff, John corn and Eric swallow well Nancy Pelosi and many others defining our political class. I find myself longing for the days when the majority of our politicians were competent, classy and despite their disagreements, pro American, sadly Wash to D.C. In the political and appointed ranks, are be foolish, unqualified, crass and put their own wealth and the benefit of other nations over the priorities of the United States of America. I’m not running for president, but if I were here’s, what I’d say, this is the first in a series of preamble that will reflect my desire to see dignity, pro americanism and morality, return to the Oval Office. My fellow Americans. We have not inherited an easy situation because of the antics of the extremists in the Democratic Party. Our nation has been crushed under unrelenting crises and commensurate harm. This unprecedented attack from within threatens our very existence as a nation. Instead of uniting in principled opposition to this agenda of chaos and destruction, the Republican Party has chosen to shrink from it’s duty to protect our blessed land. Not only that you will pay you night to oppose the socialist agenda. The Democrats, the we can’t even unite to push back on an attack on our most basic and fundamental rights. Like the right of free speech, I want to share an email that was sent to me by an American patriot who, unlike the Republican Party, is ready to fight against the cancerous left-wing Harry rights, the following and light of directv and eighty and dropping news max. We called and cancelled after being customer for over 20 years, the person we spoke to when signing up with dish said they were being swamped with folks. Just like us, you’ll be back on our TV next week, the plus side. This is we’ll get more channels and we’re saving seventy dollars a month.”

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