Watters: Black History Course in Florida High School ‘Is a Little Much,’ It Teaches Radical-Racial Propaganda

‘This course is going along perfectly and then, boom, Critical Race Theory, abolish the prisons, overthrow capitalism’


WATTERS: “Now, 'Primetime' read this syllabus for the African-American A.P. history course that DeSantis rejected in Florida, that is making all these liberals crazy. And I got to give this course credit. The first three quarters of this African-American A.P. history course is very high quality, very rigorous stuff. As a history major, I am impressed. But here’s the problem. The last quarter of this course goes off the rails. This course is going along perfectly and then -- boom! Critical Race Theory, abolish the prisons, overthrow capitalism, intersectionality, whatever that means -- I think that’s where they rank people based on their race and gender. You read pro-reparations material, nothing to balance the other side. The required reading discusses how white supremacist super structures oppress black people. And they examine the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. And then you have a whole section on black queer studies where high schoolers can learn how to build forms of queerness that reject the given realities of the government and the market. Now if you want to dive into that in college or grad school, have at it. But this is a little much for high school. DeSantis doesn’t have a problem with A.P. African-American history courses. He rejected the course and said, 'It’s too woke, fix it, and reapply.'"

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