CNN’s Selina Wang Reports on Chinese Covid Lockdown Protesters Still Missing: Behind the Scenes, the Retribution Continues
WANG (voice-over): “If you're seeing this video, that means I've already been taken by the police. These are the chilling words of a young woman in China who took part in this demonstration in Beijing on November 27th. It was one of dozens of protests that erupted in cities across China. They're chanting about they don't want Covid tests. They want freedom. Police lined the streets, but the mood was calm and peaceful. Many were there to mourn the lives lost where a deadly fire broke out in a locked-down building. This 27-year-old, an editor at a publishing house, said that is why she and her friends took to the streets. She said they followed the rules and didn't have any conflict with the police. Soon after filming this, she was arrested. She knew her time was nearing. CNN has learned from sources that weeks after the protests, police started rounding up her friends one by one. Most of them also young female professionals. We tracked down and interviewed one of her friends who has been searching for her. For not revealing any of the sources she's spoken to because of retribution of the Chinese state. Authorities want to intimidate ordinary people, she said. They want to turn the people into emotionless machines.”