Man’s Premium Doubles After ObamaCare Kicks Him Off His Health Plan

‘I don’t have a tingle up my leg’

WATTERS: “All right. And you liked your health care plan, correct? What changes took place?”
CAMPBELL: “My deductible went from $2,500 to $6,300, and out-of-pocket costs up to $12,700. That’s the difference. And I lost my prescription, and my premium doubled, more than doubled.”
WATTERS: “That’s unbelievable. Now, who told you this was going to happen? Was it your employer said this is happening because of ObamaCare? How did they break that to you?”
CAMPBELL: “Yeah, pretty much that's what they said.”
WATTERS: “And how did you react to that? The president said if you liked your health care plan, you got to keep it. Now obviously we know looking at you it's not true. How do you feel?”
CAMPBELL: “Absolutely terrible. I knew it was going to happen, you know, because I kind of kept up on that stuff. But I knew it was going to happen. But I didn't know it was going to be as severe as it is.”
WATTERS: “Can you afford to pay these high premiums, higher deductibles, higher out-of-pocket expenses? What kind of effect is that having on your family?”
CAMPBELL: “Well, yesterday -- my kid's out ice-skating today. He's going to play hockey on the pond. Yesterday if -- if he gets hurt, I pay $2,500. Today if he gets hurt, I pay $6,300. So that's a major, major blow.”

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