Trump: Clinton ‘Is the Nominee Unless She Gets Indicted’

‘I do think I’ll be the nominee’

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You know, you say that Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to run against you, but here is what she’s saying on the stump.”

[clip starts]
CLINTON: “I have to say if he emerges, I would love to debate him. (Cheers and Applause) ... Now that’s a general election debate that’s going to be a lot of fun.” (Applause) 
[clip ends]

STEPHANOPOULOS: “Is she bluffing?” 

TRUMP: “She’s bluffing, yes, she’s bluffing. Look, I know her well. She’s done a terrible job as, as you know, secretary of state. The world blew up around her. And then she’s got to all of the other problems. I think Bernie Sanders is gone now, because he gave up a very important thing with e-mails. When he did that, I said when it happened, that’s a great sound bite. You know, if you hear people clapping in the audience, a little bit. I said he just got two minutes but he gave up —“

STEPHANOPOULOS: “So, she the nominee. Are you?” 

TRUMP: “In my opinion, she is the nominee unless she gets indicted.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “How about you?” 

TRUMP: “I think I will be the nominee, yeah, I do think so. I mean, every poll, look, one just came out and as you saw, in Iowa. I’m leading. PPP just came out a little while ago, a couple minutes ago. New Hampshire, I’m leading big. Florida, I’m leading big. South Carolina, I’m leading big. I don’t know, I mean, who knows am I going to be? But, I think I’m going to be.”

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