Gene Simmons: ‘The Government Is Telling You What To Do; Shut Up and Do It’

‘We’re not concerned whether you agree with it or not’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


SIMMONS: “We are doing the KISS cruise shortly and you will not be able to get on the cruise unless you’re vaccinated. Look, before you go to school, you have to have your children get the flu vaccine and the polio vaccine. There’s no discussion. And, you know, ‘what about my rights?’ Well, you don’t have as many rights as you think. When you get up to a red light you must stop. There’s no choice. It’s because it’s not about you, it’s about the other innocent people going by. So get over yourselves. Even when you get in a car you must put on a seat belt. ‘Well you’re taking away my rights and the government is telling me what to do’. That’s right, the government is telling you what to do! Shut up, be respectful of other people and get a vaccine. Put on your seat belt, stop at the red light, stop being selfish.”

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