Trans Friend of Club Q Victim: I Can Tell the Shooter Is Not Non-Binary by Looking at His Photo

‘Why would you do that to your community where you are welcomed in, if you are non-binary?’


BINGHAM: “I think that’s completely ludicrous. I believe they are just saying that because they want to have the easy way out on this. That’s really, really offending, especially being a transgender woman myself, that a male, which it was obvious with the mugshot, that’s a man, that’s not a non-binary person because in no way, shape or form could they appear as a woman the next day. It’s really offensive to even hear that, that they’re playing that role. And if they’re non-binary, why would you go after the club where you feel safe at? Why would you do that to a community where you are welcomed in if you are a non-binary?”

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