Gene Marks: Biden’s Extension of the Student Debt Pause Will Only Allow University ‘Tuition Spiraling’

‘It’s going to be a continuing problem for those that want to send their kids to colleges and universities for many years to come’


MARKS: “Oh, my god, please don’t get me started on how our higher education system benefits from all of this. Clearly, by forgiving these loans we’re opening it up for the units to continue their tuition spiraling and their bureaucratic practices where people will be getting more loans in the future instead of addressing the systemic issues in the higher education issues which is hugely high overhead structures that are contributing to the high tuitions that most of us, you know, and people wanting to send their kids to college have to pay. So just forgiving the loans doesn’t solve the problem it’s just basically a favor to the higher education industry and it’s going to be a continuing problem for those that want to send their kids to colleges and universities for many years to come.”

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