Fmr. Washington D.C. Police Chief: ‘Gun Violence Is a Problem’

‘There’s a lot of things that could be done but our elected officials do not have the courage to do it’


RAMSEY: "Well, more than 600 is certainly alarming. That doesn’t even count the number of people that are murdered on the streets of our cities every day as a result of gun violence, one, two, three at a time. They don’t hit the mark of what a mass shooting is. It’s rarely reported nationally. Gun violence is a problem. It’s not knew. It’s been around a while. Part of the problem, like everything else, lawmakers will give thoughts, prayers, all that kind of stuff but they won’t do anything concrete that really will make a difference and people have short memories. A week from now we’ll all be talking about something different and so we lose focus and we don’t take the steps necessary. Law enforcement can only do so much. We have weak gun laws here and we’ve got to really look at universal background checks including private sales. You’ve got to ban assault weapons, extended clips. We’ve got reporting guns lost or stolen on a mandatory basis. There’s a lot of things that could be done but our elected officials do not have the courage to do it and citizens of this country are dumb enough to keep putting them back in office over and over again. This is going to happen again. It is not going to change. We can’t pray our way out of this. We have to take action and that’s — I just don’t see it happening."

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