Kudlow on Trump’s 2024 Announcement: ‘We Saw a New Donald Trump, Hopefully Discarding Some of the Baggage’

‘It was a temperate speech’


KUDLOW: “Here is what wasn’t in the speech. No trash talk. No grievances, no 2020 election denial. It was a temperate speech, it was a well-considered speech. And in that sense we saw a new Donald Trump, hopefully discarding some of the baggage, and returning back to the successful campaign of 2016 which laid out a clear, America First agenda that he implemented in his four-year term. Perhaps most of all, the speech was chock-full of optimism. And you know I love optimism. He talked about a national greatness agenda. Let me quote this: ‘And together we will make America powerful again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again, we will make America glorious again. And we will make America strong again.’ Anyway, I will just say, good stuff, Mr. President. Please keep it up.”

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