Gov. DeSantis Responds to Trump: ‘All That’s Just Noise ... I Would Just Tell People To Go Check out the Scoreboard from Last Tuesday Night’

‘What really matters is, are you leading’

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DESANTIS: “I don't think any governor got attacked more, particularly by corporate media, than me over my four year term. And yet, I think what you -- what you learn is all that's just noise. And really what matters is are you leading, are you getting in front of issues, are you delivering results for people, and are you standing up for folks? And if you do that, then none of that stuff matters. And -- and that's what we've done. We focused on results and leadership. And, you know, at the end of the day, I would just tell people to go check out the scoreboard from last Tuesday night. The fact of the matter is -- (Applause) -- you know, the fact of the matter is we -- it was the -- the -- the greatest Republican victory in the history of the state of Florida.”


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