Sen. Cruz on His Coloring Book: It’s a Sign the World Is a Crazy Place

‘This is the number one selling coloring book in Amazon’

Cruz: It Was a Mistake for Obama and Reid To Force a Government Shutdown (RealClearPolitics)

KARL (voice-over): "One of the odder signs of Cruz's new celebrity is the new coloring book about him."
KARL: "There is a Ted Cruz coloring book. This is the number 1 selling coloring book on Amazon."
CRUZ: "John, if ever there was a sign that the world is a crazy place, that is it. I didn't ..."
KARL: "You obviously didn't know about it until it came out ... I didn't want to take a coloring book all this seriously, but it does say in this coloring book that -- your filibuster was so important because millions of citizens believe that ObamaCare is worse than any war. And more people will die because of illness because of ObamaCare than in all the wars since World War II."
CRUZ: "Let me ask you John, just for clarification, is this the first time for anyone that's ever been on your show cross-examined for a coloring book?"
KARL: "It is the first time I've ever questioned a political figure over a coloring book."

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