Trump: ‘I Would Get Along’ with Putin

‘If I can’t get along I know people that will get along’

GEIST: “More foreign policy, different part of the world. This is Maura Wentworth [sic], 43-year-old, two kids, veterinary technician, registered Republican, undecided.
WENTWORT: “Good morning, Mr. Trump. In terms of foreign policy, what would you do about Russia?
TRUMP: “Well, Russia is a very interesting case. We have somebody that has no respect for our president whatsoever. He laughs at our president. He does thing that he wants to do whether it's in Syria, the Ukraine, anywhere you're talking about. I believe, and I may be wrong, but i was on "60 minutes" two weeks ago with Vladimir Putin, the two of us, and we got very high ratings, by the way and I won't mention that. But he was my stable mate, my friend, I didn't meet him but that's OK. I believe I would get along with Putin, and I think it's good if we can get along, and if I can't get along I know people that will get along but it won't be like it is right now, and as far as Ukraine is concerned, I agree it's horrible, but you know what? Germany’s a very rich country an so many of the countries that surround it, and they should be more involved. It shouldn't always be us. We’re over there talking about Ukraine, Ukraine, and meantime Germany is sending us their Mercedes-Benzes and everything else and they are not doing anything. At some point, other people in other countries have to get involved. It can't always be the dummy united states led by people that are incompetent that don't know what they are doing because we have to rebuild our own country. It’s time.”

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