Kimmel: We’ve Got a Tough Decision Ahead, on One Hand Our Democracy Is Being Threatened, on the Other, Gas Is $4 a Gallon

‘Things are bad’


KIMMEL: “President Biden last night gave a speech on the state of democracy. Turns out it’s not great. Thanks to the lies that have been spread by — I won’t mention his name, but a sore loser former president. Things are bad. Biden talking about Trump felt like gandolph talking about soran. Lord of the rings? No nerds here? Okay. The midterms are on Tuesday. We have a tough decision ahead. On the one hand our democracy is being threatened by extremists who want power at all costs, even if it means burning us to the ground. On the other hand, gas is 4$4 a gallon now. This is the time campaigns pull out all the stops.”

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