Mitchell Lauds Clinton: She ‘Was Poised, Practiced, Pushing Back with Put Downs’

‘In other times her face said it all showing impatience, irritation or scorned’


GEIST: “Here’s NBC news correspondent Andrea Mitchell with more.”

[clip starts]

MITCHELL (voice-over): “It was suppose to be about Benghazi. It soon turned into bickering.”

GOWDY: “What is relevant is he was sending information to the secretary of state. You need to make sure the entire record is straight.”

CUMMINGS: “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

MITCHELL (voice-over): “They argued the star witness tried to stay above the fray unlike in 2013 --”

CLINTON: “What difference at this point does it make.”

MITCHELL (voice-over): “This time Hillary Clinton was poised, practice, pushing back with put downs.”

CLINTON: “I wrote a whole chapter about this in my book hard choices. I’ll be glad to send it to you. I’m sorry it doesn’t fit urinary tif. I can only tell you what the facts are. I know that’s not the answer you want to hear.”

MITCHELL (voice-over): “In other times her face said it all showing impatience, irritation or scorned. Reflecting days of preparation at home sent off to battle this morning by her husband Bill. The Republicans were armed and ready.”

POMPEO: “I’m happy to bring breakfast in. It would sure be helpful if we could get to the answer. This wasn’t a trick question at all.”

ROSKAM: “The White House and amount of credit you were getting as opposed to amount of credit you were getting.”

CLINTON: “The president deserves the share of the credit.”

ROSKAM: “Why is the White House up tight you’re taking the credit?”

MITCHELL (voice-over): “A former Clinton aid barred by the Obama White House from working at her State Department but sending private advice to her private e-mail account.”

GOWDY: “He had unfettered access to you.”

CLINTON: “I don’t know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four Americans.”

GOWDY: “I’ll be happy to help you understand that.”

MITCHELL (voice-over): “It was Clinton who spent the most time talking about the victims of the attack.”

CLINTON: “I would imagine I thought more about what happened than all of you put together. I’ve lost more sleep than all of you put together.”

MITCHELL (voice-over): “CIA officers and ambassador Chris Stevens.”

CLINTON: “I stood next to president Obama asthma carried his casket and those of the other three Americans off the plane zbll with so many eyes over the entire 11 hours, some went in saying this is a big moment for Hillary in her campaign and future.”

[clip ends]

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