Boehner on Strategy if Paul Ryan Doesn’t Win Speakership: ‘Don’t Know’

‘Listen, I think Paul is going to get the support that he is looking for’

BOEHNER: “Well, young lady.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “You dealt with the freedom caucus for a long time --”
BOEHNER: “Really.” 
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “What do you think the chances are they will being a Wes to Paul Ryan's demand or requests?” 
BOEHNER: “I think Paul Ryan would make a great speaker but this decision is up to the members and I thought last night went very well and hopefully by the end of the week we'll have a nominee.” 
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “What's plan B if he doesn't decide?” 
BOEHNER: “Don't know.” 
BOEHNER: “I should say -- I should have said earlier, conference election for speaker will be next Wednesday. The 28th. On Thursday the 29th, the election will occur on the floor.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “But following up on [indecipherable] -- Is there a viable second, third, whatever that would be an option?”
BOEHNER: “Listen, I think Paul is going to get the support that he is looking for, that he laid out a very clear vision of how he would run the speakership. I thought the members responded very well to it. 
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “You'll support it.” 
BOEHNER: “Yes, sir.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “Mr. Speaker, thank you. But we've had so many fits and starts with this. You said the 28th and the 29th. Why should we have any confidence that this is going to work out this time? I mean what is your level of confidence it is going to work out? 
BOEHNER: “I feel pretty good about it.” 
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “Why? I hope it is not a last best -- but you see the mobilization now on the right against Paul Ryan saying pro-amnesty, not conservative enough. He's just another McCarthy, he's just another Boehner. How does that sit with you?” 
BOEHNER: “Listen, I've got pretty thick skin. And we all know Paul Ryan. He's a very good member. He works hard. He's very bright. And he has a good relationships I think with all the wings of the party. That's why I think he'll be doing fine.” 
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “He would like to spend more time with his family. You are the fund-raiser part. What's your position on whether that can be restructured so that he's not the main fund-raiser?” 
BOEHNER: “I think there is a way to do that and I, frankly, outlined over the last week or so a way that Paul could do this differently than the way I did.” 
UNKNOWN FEMALE: “What would that be?” 
BOEHNER: “We'll let him decide. 
UNKNOWN MALE: “As you depart and you look back at your time, what message, if any, do you have to the house freedom caucus after they united against you and they did the same against Mr. Mccarthy despite his own efforts to win their support. What message do you have to them now as we consider running against Paul Ryan? 
BOEHNER: “Listen, if -- this is not about us. Not about us as leaders, not about us as members. Our job is to do the right thing for the American people every day. You've heard me say this multiple times and I'll say it one more time. If you do the right things every day for the right reasons, the right things will happen for our country. Thanks.”

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