CNN’s John King Panics About ‘Election Deniers’ Potentially Winning Secretary of State Races in Arizona and Nevada

‘Voters have a big decision to make here about election integrity’


KING: "I want to get one more point in, which is these races are critical to the midterm climate. These are also two of the battleground states that are going to be very important for the next presidential election. I want to show you the two secretary of state races. This is Arizona, Adrian Fontes is the Democrat, Mark Finchem is the Republican. The Republican is leading again. No clear leader there. That's within -- the statistically that's a tie. But you see the Republican on top 49-45. Let's move to Nevada. Cisco Aguilar against Jim Marchant, 46-43. Again, a statistical tie. Both of those Republican candidates Marchant and Finchem are election deniers. Marchant has said he would not have certified the Nevada results for Joe Biden if he were the secretary of state for years ago. Finchem has said, Joe Biden -- Joe Biden lost Arizona. Neither of those states -- Joe Biden won them both. That is a giant -- voters have a big decision to make here about election integrity, about who you want counting the ballots in your state. And their states just happen to be giant when it comes to presidency."

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