Cori Bush: GOP Reps Who Participated in Jan. 6th Riot Should Be Expelled, Criminally Charged

‘I will fight as long as I have breath to make sure that my people are safe’


BUSH: “But I think about being in the Capitol that day when that insurrection happened. I remember being in the chambers, in the gallery, listening to one of my colleagues say on the House floor, 'Those are my people outside. I’m standing up for my people that are outside.' Well, your same people, this Republican said that, your people scaled walls just an hour or two later. Your people killed people. Your people put our lives in danger. Your people are the ones that are, some of them, are in jail right now for this. And hopefully, if there are any people in Congress that actually did participate in the overturning of that democratic election, if any of them participated, they have to be investigated, they need to be expelled from Congress. And if there are criminal charges, those should happen. Because I take my job seriously, there are lives on the line, and I will not let folks that have a political — that are there for — to play politics, folks that don’t understand what it's like to live with your skin being the problem that people see, your skin causing a reaction in people simply because you showed up, I need them to understand that I will fight as long as I have breath to make sure that my people are safe. And if it means calling them out, I’ll do that."

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