Tucker Slams Dems Politicizing Hurricane Ian: Watch How NOAA Director Shuts Down Don Lemon

‘They don’t give political sermons at funerals, for example, but at MSNBC there’s no reason to abide by decency’


CARLSON: "Can you imagine? Lecturing people who are cowering in their houses, trying not to get killed? No decency. No shame. None of them have any shame or any decency. Over at CNN, Don Lamon repeatedly tried to link the hurricane to climate change — it's the first hurricane ever. And that's when his guest, Jamie Rohme, shut him down, because unlike Don Lamon, Jamie Rohme knows what he’s talking about, he's the Director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Hurricane Center. Watch this exchange."

[clip starts]
LEMON: "Can you tell us what this is and what effect climate change has on this phenomenon?"
ROHME: "We can come back and talk about climate change at a later time. I want to focus on the here and now."
LEMON: “Listen, I’m just trying to get to — you said you wanted to talk about climate change, but what effect does climate change have on this phenomenon that is happening now? Because it seems these storms are intensifying. That’s the question.”
ROHME: “I don’t think you can link climate change to any one event."
LEMON: “Okay, listen, I grew up there. And these storms are intensifying. Something is causing them to intensify."
[clip ends]

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