Trump: 9/11 Wouldn’t Have Happened Under Me

‘It was the worst attack in the history of our country’

HASSELBECK: "First, we bring in 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump. Good morning to you, sir."
TRUMP: "Good morning."
HASSELBECK: "OK. It's a busy day for you today. You are now set poised to defend your comments about George W. Bush not preventing the terror attack on 9/11 and saying that you could have stopped that attack. Do you still stand by those statement?"
TRUMP: "Well, I  think I could certainly have maybe done a lot better. Look, if you look at it, Jeb, during the debate said, 'My brother kept us safe'. I said to myself--  I didn't want to embarrass him that night, but I said to myself, wait a minute, he kept us safe? We lost the World Trade Center on September 11th. That was when his brother was president and the World Trade Center came crashing down with 3,000 lives and all of the problems ensuing. It was a total catastrophe, the worst attack in the history of our country, and I  think that if my immigration policies, because as you know I've been by far the strongest on immigration of all of the candidates, of everybody, including the Democrats, who are very weak on that, but if my immigration policies were in effect, I don't know that that would have happened, because I have very, very strong immigration. I'm not just talking about the southern border.  I'm talking generally speaking --[those] coming into the country legally. If my immigration policies were in effect-- one other thing I have to say if you remember back on that time and I'm going to check it today, but CIA director George Tenet knew in advance there would be an attack. He came out and said it later during the various things, but he knew in advance there was going to be an attack."

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