Gates: People in the W.H. Were Constantly Goading Obama Against the Military

‘The military is trying to make you do something you don’t want to do’

BAIER: "What led to you say this about President Obama and the military. President Obama was quote deeply suspicious of their actions and their recommendations?"
GATES: "I think this was particularly true in Afghanistan, and I think there were people in the White House, and I don't want to name any names, who were constantly goading him and saying the military is trying to box you in; the military is trying to trap you; the military is is trying to bully; the military is trying to make you do something you don't want to do."
BAIER: "I'll make names. Was Vice President Biden one of those people?"
GATES: "I think so. And I was told so. And I think -- but he was not alone. And you can argue with the options that they were putting forward as President Bush did. You can disagree with them as President Bush did. That's totally fair. That's totally fair in my view. But to think that they are trying to mousetrap you -- I think is a --if I were the president and I truly believed that, I would replace those commanders that I felt were trying to trick me. So I worried a lot that he was hearing from people things that made him worry that the military was consciously trying to thwart his will, consciously trying to be insubordinate. And I never believed any of that for a second."

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