Joy Behar: ‘I’m Aroused’ by ‘Hot’ Bernie Sanders

‘I find him to be eye candy, not ear candy, eye candy’

GOLDBERG: “But one of the standout moments apparently was how Bernie Sanders shut it down when Hillary Clinton was asked about her personal e-mails. Take a look.”

[clip starts]

SANDERS: “Let me say something that may not be great politics. But I think the secretary is right, and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.”

CLINTON: “Thank you. Me too. Me too.”

SANDERS: “You know.”

CLINTON: “Thank you.”

[clip ends]

UNKNOWN FEMALE: “That was great.”

GOLDBERG: “I guess people seemingly were very surprised that he would come to Hillary’s aid like that, but isn’t it nice to see them going at the issues rather than the same old, you know, dog and pony B.S.”

BEHAR: “I thought that Bernie was so menschy in that moment like a real guy. I actually am aroused by him. I’m serious. I find him to be eye candy, not ear candy, eye candy.”

COLLINS: “He turns you on?”

BEHAR: “I like an old Jewish guy who’s a socialist. That’s my type of guy. Everybody is talking about O’Malley and how hot he was, but to me Bernie is hot.”

COLLINS: “We’ll get to O’Malley. We’ll get to O’Malley because there are some pictures, ladies, everyone gird your loins. That O’Malley, let me tell you something, if I wasn’t voting with my head, I think we know who would be getting my vote. I am in love. Look he his abs. That’s no dad bod.”

BEHAR: “He has boobs. Those are boobs, aren’t they?”

FARIS: “Those are not boobs. Those are not boobs.”

COLLINS: “Those are rock hard man things.”

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