Alex Datig: The Elephant in the Room Is Unequal Treatment Under the Law in Clinton v. Trump

‘Donald Trump was authorized to keep records’


DATIG: “By approving a general warrant for the FBI to search the Florida home of former president of the United States Donald Trump, Garland may have opened a Pandora’s box for himself, which is probably why no one has heard anything from him since the three-minute news conference where he announced his decision. It’s as if this whole thing was produced by the January 6th Hollywood production team. But the elephant in the room is how Hillary Clinton was treated by the DoJ versus Donald Trump. The difference is Hillary Clinton destroyed records she was not authorized to keep while under subpoena, for which she was exonerated without being raided. Donald Trump was authorized to keep records, did not destroy any records, but was raided by the FBI as if he willfully flaunted the law. Now that we find out there was over-collecting, or should we say, illegal confiscation of attorney-client privilege documents, we should be hearing from the Attorney General by now. As for the media, anyone who said Trump’s passports were seized because he could be a flight risk, those entities should do an immediate retraction and apologize."

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