ABC’s Jon Karl: There Are ‘Real Warning Signs’ for Hillary Clinton in the Latest Poll

‘Nearly a third of Democratic voters in that poll say they do not see Hillary Clinton as honest and trustworthy’

STEPHANOPOULOS: "Jon Karl is here. You saw that '60 Minutes' interview. The president pretty blunt about Hillary Clinton and a lot of praise for Joe Biden."
KARL: "Yes, the contrast was stark. He called VP Biden--he said he will go down to history as one of the very best  inconsequential vice presidents ever. But, I got to tell you, Biden is coming very close--I'll guarantee you right now, he'll not be on the debate stage. That podium will not be used, but I think he's getting very close to a decision. I believe by the end of the week we'll know whether or not Joe Biden is running."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "As we head into this debate tomorrow night, the latest polls show Hillary Clinton’s lead has kind of stabilized."
KARL: "It has. This will be the first time she's going to be on stage having Democrats going right at her in person. But look, she is the clear frontrunner. The latest New York Times poll --CBS poll has her double digit lead over Sanders, over Biden. But there are real warning signs. Even in that poll, George, nearly a third of Democratic voters in that poll say they don't see her as honest and trustworthy."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "And we will see everybody but Biden on the stage."
KARL: "That's right."

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