Kathleen Parker on Clinton’s TPP Flip-Flop: Plausible She Just Changed Her Mind

‘I’m not really opposed to people changing their minds — I’m much more concerned with people who never change their minds no matter what new information is available’

PARKER: "Well, and your question are you doing things for political expedience, of course she’s not going to say “Yes, I’m just trying to win some people over from Bernie Sanders.” But of course she is. But I think you can give her the benefit of the doubt too and at least it’s plausible that she has changed mind based on legitimate concerns because whatever was happening before when she was Secretary of State and representing the Obama administration may have shifted to some extent. But as she said she doesn’t really know because she hasn’t seen the details yet. So giving her the benefit of the doubt — "
TODD: "Are you giving her the benefit of the doubt?"
PARKER: "For now, for this moment. I’m not really opposed to people changing their minds. I’m much more concerned with people who never change their minds no matter what new information is available."

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