Steve Moore: We’re in a Soft Recession Right Now, Biden’s Numbers Is Worse than Jimmy Carter’s

‘Will this be a soft plateau or will we have a crash landing as we had in the ’70s?’


MOORE: "Well, it is hard to say, but I do think that we are in a soft recession right now. I think there is no question about it."
HANNITY: "When will we know, Thursday?"
MOORE: "Pardon me?"
HANNITY: "Will we know Thursday for sure?"
MOORE: "Yeah, we'll know, we'll know, but in terms of how long this is going to last, that is the real question. Will this be a soft landing or will we have a crash landing as we had in the ’70s? And incidentally, you know, Biden’s numbers on the economy, Sean, are worse than Jimmy Carter’s were on the economy, so Americans don’t have any trust or any thoughts that this president  has the right plan. We could turn the economy around. I mean, look, if I sound frustrated, Sean, I am. And you know why? Because if Donald Trump were president today, we wouldn't be talking about a recession. Are you kidding me? We would be talking about a boom in the economy.”

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