Tucker: The Rio Grande Valley Should Not Only Have the Benefits of Diversity, Send the Illegals to Aspen and Martha’s Vineyard

‘It’s natural, Joe Biden took a 70% of the vote on that small Massachusetts island’


CARLSON: “The bigger problem is a lack of diversity. Immigrants are supposed to make America more diverse, but in practice they usually head to places that are already pretty diverse. Brooklyn, for example, is only 35% white. Pretty diverse. One place they almost never go is to towns where Democratic voters live. Strangely, and you can check this if you want, it’s on the internet, the party of diversity is led by people who strongly, overwhelmingly prefer all-white neighborhoods for themselves and their families, and that’s just weird. No diversity for the diversity promoters. No doubt it’s an oversight, they just haven’t thought of it. But we can fix it. We can do this. There are an awful lot of Democratic donors in Aspen, Colorado, for example. It’s an overwhelmingly blue place. It’s also nearly all-white. What do we do about this? Well, how about an airlift? We’ve done this before. The Berlin airlift, it was called, it lasted for 15 months, from the summer of 1948 to the next fall. The U.S. Air Force delivered millions of tons of desperately needed supplies to the suffering people of West Germany. Nearly 80 years later, the Berlin airlift is still considered one of the great humanitarian acts in our history. But there’s no reason we couldn’t repeat it. Think big. Imagine an Aspen airlift, a national effort to rescue the people of Aspen from the suffocating prison of their own whiteness. Instead of food and coal and medicine, the Biden Administration could deliver an even more essential lifesaving commodity, and that’s diversity, into the cultural wasteland of Pitkin County, Colorado, which, if you can believe it, as of tonight, is only one-half of 1% black. Into that, Joe Biden could deposit Haitians, Somalis, and Congolese, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them, Guatemalans, Guineans, Algerians, the entire population of the Cape Verde Islands. We can do that. We’re America. And why stop with those countries? As of tonight, there are still 4 million people living in the impoverished state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Do you care about them? We do, because we’re good people. So, why shouldn’t a quarter of all Oaxacans move to Aspen by next ski season? And to be clear, not move there to run the chairlifts at Snowmass, move there to ride the chairlifts at Snowmass, to benefit fully from the economic bounty of that isolated, blindingly white mountain community we call Aspen. Is there anything more American than that? Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. There you go. Aspen is America’s new golden door.” 

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