Crisis Pregnancy Center Director Blasts Sen. Warren: ‘Her Words Are Actually Horrific’

‘Her words are just incredibly hurtful’


SHIMKUS: "Well, Heidi, Senator Elizabeth Warren recently talked about crisis pregnancy centers like yours. And take a listen --"
MATZKE: "Right."
SHIMKUS: "-- how she characterized them. Watch this."
[clip starts]
WARREN: "In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help, outnumbered true abortion clinics by 3 to 1. We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts and we need to shut them down all around the country."
[clip ends]
SHIMKUS: "She says that your crisis pregnancy centers fooling people into having babies and she wants your clinic to be shut down. What's your reaction to that?"
MATZKE: "Her words are actually horrific. Pregnancy centers throughout the entire country give away $266 million of free medical services and resources to communities all over this incredible country. And her words are just incredibly hurtful.”

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