Gowdy: Kevin McCarthy ‘Has Apologized Profusely’ for Benghazi Gaffe

‘She’s going to be treated professionally; she’s going to be treated fairy’

KELLY: “Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy is the chairman of the select committee on Benghazi. Good to see you tonight, Sir. And so you --”

GOWDY: “Yes, ma'am.”

KELLY: “I mean, you've been praised by both sides of the aisle at times, for the way you've handled this committee. I imagine you feel very disappointed in those comments, but you tell me.”

GOWDY: “Well, Kevin's wrong. And I would ask your viewers and everyone else, frankly, those that are suspicious and those that are been supportive. They don't focus on the words that people who are not on the committee use. Focus on the actions of those of us who have been on that committee for the last year and a half. And Megyn, out of the 54 witnesses that we have interviewed 41 of them by the way, no other committee interviewed, not a single one of them has been named Clinton. Of the 50,000 documents -- new documents that we have accessed, less than 5 percent have anything to do with her. And if you look at the public hearings we've had so far, her name is not cross by list.”

KELLY: “So it's not all about Hillary Clinton. That's your point. It's not all about her, but --”

GOWDY: “She --”

KELLY: “Let me ask you.”

GOWDY: “She was the secretary of state at all relevant times. So we'd been crazy not to talk to her.”

KELLY: “But Kevin McCarthy came out and suggests that he regret to comment, but I ask you directly, has he apologized to you?”

GOWDY: “Profusely, Megyn, Kevin is a friend. That does not insulate him from being wrong, but he has apologized profusely. And I have accepted it. And now, it is time for me to continue getting ready for October 22nd. She's going to be treated professionally. She's going to be treated fairly. Look at what Cheryl Mills said when she spent nine hours with us.”

KELLY: “But she left.”

GOWDY: “She left the room and said, ‘I was treated respectfully, professionally, fairly’ and she thanked us for our word. This is Secretary Clinton's number two person that said that.”

KELLY: “But Hillary, herself, came out and said this comment, she said, ‘Does a grace disturbance and dishonors the memory of the four people who were killed in Benghazi.’”

GOWDY: “Well, Megyn, the only thing I can tell you is this. I made a promise to the family members before we ever started. Republicans and democrats were in there. At the same time, and I said, we are going to do this in a way that is honor -- that honors the memory of your loved ones and we're going to do it in a way that garners the respect of our fellow citizens. And I think that our committee has done just that. I cannot control what people not on our committee say or do. What I can control is how we act. And if you look at how we've conducted ourselves leading up to October 22nd, and then look at the 40 witnesses we call after October 22nd, not a one of whom will be named Clinton, she was secretary of state. I cannot avoid calling her.”

KELLY: “But -- quick question before I let you go.”

GOWDY: “But she's one out of a hundred.”

KELLY: “Quick question before I let you go. Any -- hearing anything from the Clinton camp that she might not show up because some in the press are speculating now?”

GOWDY: “No, ma'am. I think she's going to come. She said she's going to come. She's going be treated fairly. She's going to be asked fact-centric questions. And mass suspicion is her conclusion will be the same as Cheryl Mills that this committee proves for once that a Washington investigation can actually be done the right way.”

KELLY: “Congressman Trey Gowdy, great to see you. Thank you.”

GOWDY: “Yes, ma'am. Thank you.”



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