Meadows: Biden Has Allowed More Oil Leases to Happen But They Are Not Allowing More Drilling to Happen

‘What happens is they want the progressive green energy kind of solutions’


MEADOWS: “Made in America is good for energy as well, sean, you know that. When you look at the poles that Kellyanne Conway was referring to, one has 13% of Americans believe we’re headed in the right direction. That’s pretty bad performance for Joe Biden, but here’s the interesting thing. You could actually do something about it, but he is playing to the left, the donors in California, New York, donors in Boston. What happens is they want the progressive green energy kind of solutions and yet what he can do is fast track drilling in America. They said we have allowed more lead to happen, yes, they have, yet we can lower prices. I talked to a guy the other day, he says I’m having to fill up his truck each and every week and it’s a reminder, a constant reminder that somebody could do something about it. In his words, Donald Trump did do something about it if we get him back in the White House.”

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