CBS Singles out Hillary Clinton for Not Offering Opinion on TPP Yet

‘President Obama beings what could be the toughest sales job of his final year in office’

ROSE: “This morning president celebrating a major victory for his trade agenda. The U.S. and 11 Pacific Rim countries reached a controversial agreement slashing tariffs and opening markets. Critics of the Trans Pacific Partnership say it will cost jobs. The White House says it will be a boom to U.S. industry such as auto makers. Margaret Brennan is at the White House. Margaret, good morning.”

BRENNAN: “Good morning. Well, this is an attempt by President Obama to build an economic block to challenge China. But first he has to sell this deal. And his fellow Democrats in Congress could be the hardest to convince. Many see it as too friendly to big business and too tough for unions. Here's what's in the Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP as it’s known, it knits together 12 different countries, including Mexico, Japan, Vietnam and other Pacific nations that together make up one-third of the global economy. The White House says the deal will get rid of some 18,000 trade barriers to make it easier to sell American-made technology, cars, agricultural goods and services. Critics say it's going to cost American jobs. And the 2016 presidential candidates are already weighing in. Jeb Bush has endorsed it. Republican front-runner Donald Trump says he'd negotiate a better deal, this one is terrible. And candidate Mike Huckabee said the president ‘got rolled like sushi’. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton has not said what she thinks. And Democratic presidential front runner Bernie Sanders says [he will do everything] he can to try to defeat it. None of them, Gayle, have actually seen the text because it’s not yet public. But President Obama begins what could be the toughest sales job of his final year in office when he meets with business leaders later today.”

KING: “Thank you, Margaret. I am still thinking about ‘rolled like sushi’, that’s quite a picture.”

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