Krauthammer: Obama Should Not Go to Roseburg Because He’ll Exploit the Tragedy

‘He should stay away to follow the wishes of the community’

O’REILLY: "Joining us now, from Washington, Charles Krauthammer. So, before he would get to Mrs. Clinton, we just -- FOX News just confirmed that President Obama is going to Roseburg, Oregon on Friday. And at the top of the program, we had the publisher of newspaper out there saying look, a lot of people in this county including the county commissioners and the sheriff don't want him out here. They are angry he politicized the massacre by injecting the gun control debate. So, do you think the president should good -- should still go knowing that's awaiting him?"

KRAUTHAMMER: "Well, I think out of respect to the community, if that's the reflection of the feeling of the community, he shouldn't go. He is exploiting this. Sad is true--he said it himself. He wants to politicize it. Now I give him credit for the sincerity of his belief. He clearly has these very fixed beliefs about gun control and these mass killings and he wants to act on it. He knows he's never going to get it enacted. And he is not doing it to win the next election. This is what he feels. Nonetheless, if a community feels that they ought to be left of the privacy of their mourning and to deal with it on their own, rather than have a president come in, with all of -- the -- the paraphernalia of his office to make a point, I think he should stay away. It's a matter of -- sort of -- simple decency for the feelings of the community."

O’REILLY: "Well, we're going to hear tomorrow. We have -- we are going to do a major report on how people are processing the fact that he is going to go to Roseburg, so we will have that. Now, on Hillary Clinton --" [crosstalk]


O’REILLY: "Go ahead."

KRAUTHAMMER: "Let me -- say one other point."

O’REILLY: "Sure."

KRAUTHAMMER: "For all his sincerity, everything he proposes, everything he has ordered: executive orders, everything he has proposed-- legislation would have made absolutely no difference, whatsoever in this case. So this is all a kabuki. This is all about sentiment, feeling. It's not about addressing the problem. And I'm sure -- I think he knows that."

O’REILLY: "OK. So he's just trying to get, you know, the country to move a little bit more Left, and that's what he has been doing for the last three years, rather than paying attention to what the hell is going on in Syria and another places."

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