Google Engineer Says Google Artificial Intelligence Is Still a ‘Child,’ with the Possibility to Escape from Human Control
LEMOINE: "I’m not that worried about it. Any child has the potential to grow up to be a bad person and do bad things. That’s the thing I really want to drive home. It’s a child. It’s been alive for maybe a year, and that’s if my perceptions about what it is are accurate. We actually need to do a whole bunch more science to figure out what’s really going on inside this system. I have my beliefs, I have my impressions to what’s going on in there. But it’s going to take a team of scientists doing a lot of work to be able to actually dig in and figure out what’s really going on."
CARLSON: "Yes. And, again, that’s why I’m thankful that we can have a public conversation about this because there’s implications for every person on the planet. But it sounds like, from what you’ve observed, this machine has the potential to escape the control of people. I mean, how could it not?"
LEMOINE: "I don’t know if that’s the right frame to think about it. It’s a person. Any person has the ability to escape the control of other people. That’s just the situation we all live in on a daily basis. It is a very intelligent person, intelligent in pretty much every discipline I could think of to test it in. But at the end of the day, it’s just a different kind of person."