The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: Liz Cheney Has Her John McCain Moment

‘Some delicious karma visits’


SALCEDO: “That’s when Harry Reid said it was time to eliminate the filibuster to put Obama's judges on the courts. The very same people who decried going nuclear under Republicans were now singing its praises going nuclear. And then there was John McCain. He went to his seven Democrat buddies saying, 'He-he-he. Hey, guys, it’s time to get the gang back together. He-he. We have to save the filibuster.' But McCain's Democrat friends said with a quizzical look on their faces, 'John, we appreciate your knifing your fellow Republicans in the back, we really do. But you see, we Democrats being collectivists, we don’t betray our kind.' And after that, Harry Reid went nuclear and the rest is history. In a moment of absolute clarity, John McCain realized the folly of trusting leftists. And that brings us to Liz Cheney. A member of the Congressional Black Communists and chairman of the January 6 kangaroo commission, Bennie Thompson, revealed yesterday that there will be no criminal referrals of former president Donald Trump or anybody else to the Department of Justice resulting from this dog-and-pony show. Wasn’t for lack of trying, you know, the Democrats really wanted this thing to catch on, with their clueless voters praising their rigging of that panel to make sure no other point of view was expressed or any examination of Capitol security was conducted. The January 6 kangaroo commission was a large fundraising tool carried by all the left-wing networks out there, designed to put one over on uninformed Democrat voters. And thanks to Adam 'Crying' Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, the Democrats were able to make Liz Cheney, not Nancy Pelosi, the face of these un-American and fundamentally unfair proceedings. But the Democrats have noticed that the commission is backfiring on them as well. Instead of damaging Trump, Democrats succeeded in eliciting sympathy for President Trump by denying any defense or countering point of view. Trump’s numbers have only gone higher since January 6th. The big three networks got what they deserved for airing in primetime this unfair bastardization of our American system. The big three networks suffered a ratings drop of nearly half of their normal viewers, and Americans' resentment toward extremist Democrats, well, it is deepening amid Joe Biden's foreign policy disasters, sky-high prices, record-breaking gas prices, a looming recession, crime-ravaged streets, open borders, and food shortages. The Democrats are looking for an off-ramp, they’re looking for a way to get out, so Bennie Thompson announces, 'Hey, no criminal referrals.' But Liz Cheney objects, and Bernie puts his hands on Liz Cheney's shoulder and says, 'Sorry, Liz. I have to look out for my leftist party. But thank you, Liz. Thank you for betraying your voters. Thank you for betraying our Constitution and our justice system. Thank you for letting us Democrats fundraise off your once good name. We really appreciate it.' And with that, Liz 'Captain Ahab' Cheney had her first lucid moment since she allowed her life to be consumed with irrational hatred and a need for vengeance on President Trump. That was when Liz realized she had been a willing dupe in a plot by Democrats to use and abuse our justice system to fundraise for their backward and obsolete political party. Every Democrat on that commission will get lots of money, lots of praise from their left-wing constituents, they will suffer no consequences for this clown show, because Democrats don’t pay a price when they harm their own voters. But Liz Cheney, on the other hand, well, she sacrificed her credibility, betrayed the conservative movement, betrayed our country and lost everything, just to get the customary reward anyone gets when they trust a Democrat: a knife in the back. Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal.”

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