In 12 Minute Speech to America About Mass Shooting, Obama Refers to Himself 28 Times

‘Each time this happens, I am going to bring this up’

Less than six hours after the mass shooting today in Roseburg, Ore., President Obama called a press conference to demand new gun laws, a move he predicted would spur critics to accuse him of politicizing the issue. If they don’t accuse him of that, they might accuse him of making the tragedy about himself. 

During today’s 12-minute address, President Obama referred to himself 28 times. (For those counting at home, that's almost three times per minute.)

Note that in arriving at this calculation, we included mentions of "we" when he was clearly including himself as part of the plural pronoun; the many uses of "we" in referring to America at large were not included.


Jan. 27, 2015: In India, Watch Obama Refer to Himself 118 Times in a 33-Minute Speech

Aug. 6, 2014: Watch Obama Refer to Himself 97 Times in Speech to U.S.-Africa Summit

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