The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: Random Stories, Deep Thoughts

‘However, the proposed support for red flag laws and the calls for spending more taxpayers’ money should worry’


SALCEDO: “It’s a wild but informative ride in tonight’s preamble, mostly Senate. Never Trump has joined they’re, mostly socialist trends, in an agreement in principle of so called reforms. In the wake of the of all these school texts, you all the Texas school shooting the increased support for tell health in this proposal. It did seem promising. However, the proposed support for red flag laws and the calls for spending more taxpayers’ money should worry. Every American out there in the red flag, laws, don’t provide expedited due process and Congress is to raise our taxes to pay for their investments. Rather than diverting see our t and l g p q, a b c d e, f g resources to instead safeguard the lives of our children that I can see me not supporting these reforms. Speaking of the eligibility, q b c, d, e f g agenda, which is really the Democrat marxist agenda using minority groups as a wedge Fox News, channel, is in hot water, with it’s viewers again as part of Fox News focus on what divides this country rather than what unites this country.”

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