Collins: White House Concedes Calling Inflation ‘Transitory’ a Mistake

‘It’s posed the question whether or not they didn’t do enough to prepare voters for these inflationary numbers they’re seeing’


COLLINS: "I think the White House concedes that them also calling it transitory was a mistake, because you saw it’s not just President Biden, his top economic advisers, also Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen who earlier tonight told Wolf Blitzer that she was wrong to call it transitory when she said that inflation posed only a small risk. That was something that you heard not just from experts outside the administration, but repeatedly from officials here the White House. And so, it’s posed this question to the White House whether or not they didn’t do enough to prepare voters for these inflationary numbers they are seeing, higher prices on groceries, on gas. She conceded it today. But we should note that Brian Deese, the president’s top economic adviser, was in the White House earlier today, he did not call it a mistake but he said, of course, what has happened was unexpected and uncertain."   

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