McCarthy Says Biden’s Never Taken His Calls: I Had to Call the White House Switchboard to Get Through to Him

‘I’ve only seen the president a couple of times’


MCCARTHY: "I’ve only seen the President a couple of times. He's never called to ask. I’ve reached out numerous times. Do you know, when he decided to pull out of Afghanistan, I called the basic public switchboard to ask to talk to the President? The White House then called to wonder was it really me calling. That was the one time the President actually took my call. I would love to — look, he is sitting as President of the United States. We want the best for this country. We want to work together. I requested to meet with him because he has never been to the border. I've been there numerous times to tell him what's going on. If he doesn't want to go there, I want to bring members down who have been there to tell them what effects would happen if he lifted Title 42. He doesn't want to have that meeting. We talked about baby formula. We wanted to get ahead of this. We warned him months ago. We sent him letters that this was a problem that he ignored. So if he's going to stop working with us, it's no different than he's done in the entire time he's been president."

(via Fox News)

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