The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: Abortionists Turn To Violence

‘There’s too much misery out there, too much lawlessness, too much violence’


SALCEDO: “The letters reminding us of how dangerous their movement and ideology truly is. All of this is, as a result of a league draft of an opinion authored by justice, Samuel Alito that overturns the roe versus wade, debacle chief justice, John Roberts, calling the leak quote appalling, that’s rich! Coming from a guy who bends over backwards. That’s a me and breaking the constitution and common sense and have to placate the very people likely responsible for that leak. The violence when the people who support the Nazi esque practice of abortion on demand has forced justice, samuel, Alito and his family into hiding. That’s what the left-wing has done to our country. My friends. Now, if you’re looking for universal condemnation of clearly unamerican behavior from the biased press, you won’t find it now. If the shoe were on the other foot and abortion clinics are being fire bombed and liberal justices were forced into hiding. That left-wing press would be reporting not.”

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