Zelenskyy: ‘Of Course We Need More, But I Am Happy’ with Additional $800 Million in Military Aid

‘Of course we need more, but I am happy that [Biden’s] helping us now’


ZELENSKYY (via translator): "Of course. We need more. But I am happy that he's helping us now. I feel that, right now, we're having a cleaner dialogue. It's been a dialogue that has had some twists and turns, and not just talk. It's been very, very difficult, because there aren't many countries that have really helped us. The assistance from the United States, led by President Biden — and they are doing it again today — but there will never be enough. Enough isn't possible. There is a full-scale war ongoing today, so we still need a lot more than what we have today. Unfortunately, we do not have technical advantages over our enemy, just not on the same level there. But our people are stronger. That's our main advantage. And we know our mission, our objective, what we're fighting for. We're defending our country. All these families and the kids that we discussed before, we know what we stand for and from where we get our strength. But for Biden's confirmed $800 million in support, what's most important is speed."

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