Ron Johnson: Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean Intel Know About the ‘Biden Family Syndicate’

‘They won’t tell the American public because there is corruption in the deep state’


JOHNSON: "Sean, we may not know all the details, but I tell you who does: Russian intelligence, Chinese intelligence, Iranian intelligence, North Korean intelligence. You know, my guess is that there are elements within our intelligence department, our intelligence community, that know as well. They are just not going to tell us. They won’t tell the American public because there is corruption in the deep state. Chuck and I, we have asked for information from Gina Haspel. She wouldn’t even return our phone calls to tell us why she wouldn’t respond to our legitimate oversight requests. So, it's a very deep state, it's pervasive, it's filled with liberal leftists, and that’s one of our big problems in this country today."

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