Michael Tracey: American Military Activity in Poland Is Being Hidden from Media, Americans

‘They aren’t even allowing handpicked reporters’


TRACEY: “Think about what the pentagon just told you today. They aren’t even allowing handpicked reporters. Reporters who would be disposed to have a favorable impression of what the U.S. military is doing. To view what government representatives, what the taxpayers’ representatives are doing enclosed proximate t to a hot war zone. What they are doing, ultimately, is directly fueling a proxy war against Russia. On this very network a couple of days ago, Ben Sasse who is a Republican senator who we are told is some sort of moderate because he objected to the phrasing of some Donald Trump tweets a couple of years ago, he was brave, that the U.S. policy should be to facilitate the ability of Ukrainians to kill Russians, “kill Russians.” That’s a proxy war.”

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