Cruz: GOP Leadership ‘Does Not Want to Win’ the Fight on Iran Deal

‘It made no sense that the Senate gave up our constitutional authority to ratify this as a treaty’

HANNITY: “Is it another example, I mean, I never understood the Corker/Cardin bill. Doesn’t the constitution talk about two-third majority in the Senate over treaties? Shouldn’t they have define this as a treaty, not let the president get away with a finding it is not being a treaty?”

CRUZ: “Absolutely, Sean. It made no sense that the Senate gave up our constitutional authority to ratify this as a treaty. And right now, leadership doesn’t want to win this fight. We’ve had a series of show votes. But, I laid out last week in a long letter to Leader McDonnell and Speaker Boehner, a plan of attack to actually win to stop this Iran deal. Number one, for Republican leaders in both chambers to conclude that the president had not submitted the entire deal because he didn't hand over the side deals, there are couple of side deals, dealing with inspections. And under the terms of federal law, actually under Corker/Cardin, until the full deal is submitted and 60 days have expired it’s illegal for President Obama to lift the sanctions.”

HANNITY: “And why don't they do that, why don’t they enforce the law as it’s written? It is very specifically says –“

CRUZ: “Yes.”

HANNITY: “-- any other amendments or annex indicators in this thing. Why don't they hand over the whole deal, then the clock starts?”

CRUZ: “Because they don't want to win. Their sole object -- they were grinning ear to ear because we had the votes this week and the votes the Democrats by an large all voted with Obama on this catastrophic Iranian deal and Republicans voted against it. And from their view, okay, we've got a political show vote, that's all that matters. How about we use every constitutional power we have. And let me now, right now we're heading into a funding fight on September 30th. If Republican leadership actually meant what we’re telling the American people, that this is the single greatest national security threat facing America, that the Ayatollah Khomeini with a nuclear weapon could murder millions of Americans or Israelis or Europeans then we would use our constitutional authority to stop it. We would pass a continuing resolution that says, no funds may be used to administer this catastrophic deal.”


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