Fox’s O’Reilly Defends Megyn Kelly: Santa Is White

‘The far left seeks to demonize Fox News’

O’Reilly Defends Megyn Kelly: She’s ‘Correct, Santa Is a White Person’ (Mediaite)

On Monday night, Christmas crusader Bill O’Reilly weighed in on the “white Santa” controversy started when Megyn Kelly reacted to a Slate column on the topic. O’Reilly, who has long been a supporter of Kelly’s, declared that she was historically correct and that Santa Claus is a white man.

O’Reilly went through the history of the image of Santa Claus, tracing Kris Kringle’s origins and saying he has been depicted for years as a white man, and the first sketch of what would come to be our modern incarnation of Santa Claus was of a white man.

Therefore, O’Reilly concluded, “Ms. Kelly is correct. Santa is a white person.” He did add, however, “Does it matter? No.”

He charged that this was only a controversy as “the far left seeks to demonize Fox News” in any way possible. Kelly defended herself Friday night, insisting she was joking, but Aisha Harris, the writer of the original piece, accused her of “playing the victim.”

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